"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

1st TERM GRADES Posted on Edline

Parents, Guardians and Students: Final term fall 2009 art grades are now posted on Edline. Please email Mrs. Moore at mooreb@pasd.org with any questions and I will get back with you as soon as possible. THANK YOU

CONGRATULATIONS ART STUDENTS on a very successful 1st term... Your artwork and hard work never ceases to amaze me.
***NEW artwork will be posted by November 12.***
IN other NEWS: ART CLUB meeting November 15 from 3- 3:45. TOPIC: Art Club T-shirt design & creating fabric batiks.
Have a Spook-tacular Halloween!

Emily Spreeman: The Hands of Earth in Oil Pastel

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

WELCOME Artists & Parents!

NEW this school year 2009- 10, Mrs. Moore will be posting each student's artwork individually. Please scroll down until you find the October blog posts and click on your name (or your child's name) to view their artwork. Check back often to view their current work! Please join as a 'follower' and add postitive comments to PHS artwork. THANK YOU! Email me with suggestions/comments at: mooreb@pasd.org

Tiffany Krumm

Ashley Hribek

Mitchell Abram

Jaclyn Adams

Nicholas Socier

Morgan Roberts

Amanda Rittenberg

Marley Narvaiz

Chris Konwinski

Emily Gromaski

Anthony Dombkowski

Kendra Balhorn

Kaylee Vaillancourt

Anthony Harding

Caryn Moore

Audriana Witter

Dacy Willard