"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

Friday, December 10, 2010

Art history review

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

VOTE FOR PHS Spartans!!!

Show your Spartan Pride! Vote for PHS! Dean Arbour Ford is having a contest to see which school has the greatest school PRIDE! Art students painted the windows at the car dealership and we need YOU to VOTE! Here's How: 1. Login to your Facebook account. 2. Search for the Dean Arbour Ford Facebook page. 3. Click that you 'like' their page. 4. Scroll down until you see our PHS Spartan window picture and click that you 'like' it! That's IT! You voted!

Friday, October 15, 2010

High School ART club meeting:

Come and GET CREATIVE! The first art club meeting of the school year will be Wednesday, October 27 from 3:05- 4:05 pm in Ms. Moore's art room. We will be turning pumpkins into fine art, eating yummy pumpkin sugar cookies, and electing art club officers for the year! ***PLEASE NOTE: Every PHS student is encouraged and welcome to join art club, whether they are currently taking art or not:) Art Club is for students who enjoy the visual arts and who want to learn more art techniques, as well as make a difference in our community through various art projects. It is also a great club to join if you want to spend time with old friends and make new ones too! I hope to see you there! Parents/ grandparents welcome to attend:)

SIGN UP in Ms. Moore's art room by October 20. thank you

Thursday, October 14, 2010

WebQuest Assignment 3

POP Art: Andy Warhol
High School Art Students: If you missed class on Friday, October 15, download and print the assignment. Due: Wednesday, October 20 by 3:00pm


Pop Art: Andy Warhol

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Welcome back PHS and PMS artists!!!

Students have been studying color theory and the importance of VALUE in artwork. Middle School students are working in oil pastels with glue art and 3D drawing, as well as creating monochromatic tempera paintings. High School artists are working on fragmented Cubism while learning about Pablo Picasso. Art 1 students are using blenders and different values of pencil to create their art; Advanced Art and Studio Art artists are currently using oil paint. Everyone is off to a great start and I look forward to posting their creations soon:)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why should my student take art???



Studies confirm that art does indeed make a difference, not only in increased school attendance but in SAT test scores as well. Check it out! But most importantly, the arts enlighten the lives of our students...just ask THEM:)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Art Final Exam:

This is an exciting time for seniors, and your departing is very bittersweet...May each of you find yourself, your dreams, and add goodness to the world. It has been a privilege being able to teach you art throughout your years here at PHS:)

Final Exam Schedule:

Seniors & 4th hour students: Tuesday, May 25
Seniors & 1-3rd hour students: Wednesday, May 26

Everyone else:

Friday, May 28: 8th grade exam
June 1: 1/2 day exams in 4, 5, 6
June 2: 1/2 day in 1, 2, 3

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Studio ART individual Art Portfolio WEBsites:

Studio Art students have been working all year on their art websites via wix.com. Alas, their creations are published for you to see! The purpose of creating these websites is for students to understand the importance that technology has on the visual arts as well as a means to publish their artwork. If a link does not work, please email me at mooreb@pasd.org.

Please copy and paste the following websites to view individual art websites:

Alyssa Schlink: http://www.wix.com/apschlink/Alyssa-P
Emily Spreeman: http://www.wix.com/emily_spreeman/Emily
Rainey Foor: http://www.wix.com/Rainey4/fooryou.com
Arienne Libbrecht: http://www.wix.com/aglibbrecht/Ariennes-work
Emme Duranczyk: http://www.wix.com/emmeduranczyk/emmeduranczyk
Dyani Havercamp: http://www.wix.com/Smiley_bee92/mine
Emilee Fuhrman: http://www.wix.com/whoa_its_emilee/Emilee
Tarah Miller: http://www.wix.com/tkay16/studioart_gallery
Haley Jeske: http://www.wix.com/haley1z/Studio-Art
Joan Idzior: http://www.wix.com/joanidzior/Joan-Idzior
Lyndsie Gruszynki: http://www.wix.com/lyndsieg/lg-studio-art
Kelsey Beson: http://www.wix.com/KBeson/Kelsey-Besons-Art
Leah Doyle http://www.wix.com/ldoyle/Studio-Art
Michael Bloom http://www.wix.com/deadlychillz/Studio-Art-site

Friday, April 9, 2010

Pinconning High School Art Students:

Go to http://www.studioartblogmoore.blogspot.com/ to see the WebQuest project example. Remember, you are investigating an artist's technique and media and creating a personal blog following the given rubric. The following technqiues may be considered: abstract, contemporary, cubism, expressionsism, digital art, fantasy, realism, surealism, impressionism, pointilism or 21st century art. Email me at mooreb@pasd.org if you have any questions outside of normal school hours:)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pinconning ART NEWS:

Detroit Insititute of ART field trip May 6, 2010... Students are looking forward to spending the day observing a fine arts museum full of famous artwork ranging from Monet to Van Gogh!

Middle School Art Show: March 25, 2010- Thank you to all the parents & students who participated in the spring art show! It was a very nice evening:)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Studio 23 ARTshow 2010: TeenWorks

Over 25 Pinconning Middle School and High School Artists/ students will be participating in the 2010 TEENWORKS art show running from March 4- March 15 at Studio 23 in downtown Bay City. Admission is FREE and is a great chance for you to see how talented our students are:)

**OPENING NIGHT is March 4, 2010 from 4:30- 7:30 at Studio 23. Light Refreshments served...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Pinconning Art Students CARE about Haiti and our world!

Pinconning High School students will be participating in HeART for Haiti progam to heighten awareness of the need to the thousands of people living in Haiti. Click on the link below to see how...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Art Students:

Click on the link below to take the Pinconning Art survey:
Click here to take survey

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

ART CLUB: Meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 25 from 3:05- 4pm in Mrs. Moore's art room. We will be making Haiti Houses to support the relief efforts in Haiti.

Studio 23 ART SHOW: Pinconning High School students will be participating in the TEENWORKS art show on from March 4, 2010- March 20. Opening Night is Thursday, March 4th from 5:30- 7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend this fun night of light appetizers and Bay Area student artwork.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Elements And Principles of Art

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

2010 Final Exam Review Pinconning Hs

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Color Theory: Pinconning High School

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Top 10 Artists: Pinconning Middle School

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Final Exam PowerPoints:

Students- please go to www.slideshare.net to view art history, color theory, and principles & elements of art PowerPoints. You do NOT need to sign in: simply type in the below in the SEARCH engine to view:
*Principles & Elements of art
*Color Theory Review
*2010 Final Exam Review Pinconning HS

If you are at home and need help, email me at mooreb@pasd.org and I will email you the PowerPoint directly.
Thank you:)

ART FINAL EXAM 2010: REVIEW materials

Test Outline:
I. Color Theory
A. Color Wheel
B. Color Relationships (complementary, anagolous, teritary...)
C. Color Mixing (know how to make peach, secondary colors, tints, shades...)

II. Art History
A. Famous Artist/ Art Work
: Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Rembrandt, Monet, Degas, van Gogh, O'Keefe, Jacob
Lawrence, Pablo Picasso, Grant Wood, Andy Warhol, Louis Nevelson, Alexander
Calder, Frida Kahlo, Andy Warhol
B. Basic Art History review; know main art periods, such as CUBISM, Impressionism, etc.

III. Principles/ Elements of Art
A. Essay Question: You will be given an artwork in which you need to describe the piece
using the principles & elements of art.
PowerPoint REVIEW: www.slideshare.net and search elements & principles of art.

IV. Art Questionnarie: general questions about projects completed in class