"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

Thursday, January 7, 2010

ART FINAL EXAM 2010: REVIEW materials

Test Outline:
I. Color Theory
A. Color Wheel
B. Color Relationships (complementary, anagolous, teritary...)
C. Color Mixing (know how to make peach, secondary colors, tints, shades...)

II. Art History
A. Famous Artist/ Art Work
: Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Rembrandt, Monet, Degas, van Gogh, O'Keefe, Jacob
Lawrence, Pablo Picasso, Grant Wood, Andy Warhol, Louis Nevelson, Alexander
Calder, Frida Kahlo, Andy Warhol
B. Basic Art History review; know main art periods, such as CUBISM, Impressionism, etc.

III. Principles/ Elements of Art
A. Essay Question: You will be given an artwork in which you need to describe the piece
using the principles & elements of art.
PowerPoint REVIEW: www.slideshare.net and search elements & principles of art.

IV. Art Questionnarie: general questions about projects completed in class