"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

Monday, August 29, 2011

Welcome Back Students!!!

Ready to get CREATIVE in the 2011-12 school year???
1. Return your art syllabus read and signed by Thurday, September 8.
2. If you lost your syllabus, you can reprint it using the above links.
3. Remember to pay your $15.00 art fee to the school bookstore by October 31, 2011. Checks can be made out to Pinconning Area Schools. Remember, Ms. Moore does NOT accept any art fees directly. This is your responsibility...Please pay before or after school. You will not be able to leave during class time.
Thank you:) I am looking forward to teaching you new art techniques and more! I can not wait to see what YOU CREATE!!!