"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

Friday, December 21, 2012

Wishing you all a very warm Holiday Season from the PHS artroom...

The Faces That Made Norman Rockwell Famous

The Faces That Made Norman Rockwell Famous

American Chronicles: The Art of Norman Rockwell- part 2

American Chronicles: The Art of Norman Rockwell- part 1

Art History Friday 12/ 21: Norman Rockwell MAKE UP WORK

***Watch the above films on Norman Rockwell to gain understanding of the 20th century American artist. Write a thoughtful art critique on the Norman Rockwell portrait below  DUE Friday, Jan. 4. Be able to compare/ contrast his work to that of Diego Rivera for the FINAL EXAM.

PRINT OFF the critique below and fill out based on the Norman Rockwell Santa painting below:


Friday, December 14, 2012

ART History Friday Make-Up Work: Dec. 14 DUE: Tuesday, Dec. 18

Artists: Mexican Artists: Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera

1. Print off Double Bubble Map for comparing & contrasting the above two artists. You will need to fill this out while watching the you tube clips or by using other valid resources, such as artencyclopedia.com, etc.

2. Be sure to understand that Diego Rivera painted the lives of the Mexican people typically in the form of a mural; His wife, Frida Kahlo, was more interested in symbolism and self-portraits and expressing her pain. But what do they both have in common? What similarities do you see in their artwork, despite the differences in themes in their work?
Helpful link:

Diego Rivera Mural Detroit

Diego Rivera

COLORES | Frida Kahlo: Portrait Of A Woman | New Mexico PBS

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Introduction to Pop Art

Pop Art Lesson for Kids and Teens

MTV Station ID for Christmas 1992

Art Videos for Kids: Warhol "Getting to Know... Warhol"

Art History Friday (Nov. 30) Make Up Work:

Artist: Keith Haring

I. Watch the following videos on YouTube Posted ABOVE: 
1. Pop Art Review
2. Andy Warhol cartoon for brief review
3. Keith Haring video

II. Compare/ Contrast: Keith Haring with Andy Warhol (use double bubble map/ Pop Art in the center)

III. Draw at least 3 Keith Haring gesture figures and color using primary and secondary colors. Outline in black. You may choose your medium (paint, oil pastels, crayon, markers, etc.).

DUE: Friday, Dec. 7; No late work accepted


Join the Bustle By the Bay & the Coats for Kids foundation by decorating a Christmas Tree with the Pinconning HS art department this FRIDAY, December 7 from 4-6. Location is Wenonah Park in downtown Bay City. See Ms. Moore by Dec. 5 if interested. Community Service hours will be granted.

Monday, November 5, 2012

NOVEMBER Art Club Meeting

Wednesday, November 28 right after school until 4pm. We will be making ceramic Christmas mugs and keeping warm with hot chocolate... mmm. Bring your Art club T-shirt ideas. We will also be electing officers. See you there!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

FRIDAY DRAWING FOCUS: Urrghh! How do you draw NOSES????

Let me help. First, understand that you really should not DRAW noses; instead, you should SHADE the form of the nose. But you need a good form first, so focus on using correct proportion lines, and then begin by drawing in the BASIC SHAPES of the nose, followed by the details of the bottom of the nose. Remember to use VALUE when shading- no scribbles or it will not blend well.

Next, watch a few of the drawing tutorials in the videos by following this link below:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

ART Club Meeting

Love Art? Want more? Join Art Club!!! First meeting of the year is Wednesday, October 24 right after school in the art room until 4pm. We will be electing officers, eating cookies, and making Spartan Pumpkins! Sign up is required by October 19. Cost is FREE but you need to BRING YOUR OWN PUMPKIN! See Ms. Moore for more information.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Important DATES:

Charcoal Drawings: September 27, 2012 LAST DAY to work on during class; Project due date Oct. 5
Pen & Ink Descriptive Text Project: Beginning week of October 1
Art History this week: Grant Wood and Leonardo da Vinci's American Gothic and Mona Lisa Thursday

What is an allegory in art???

Pep Assembly: Friday 1 & 2nd hour, no art classes

Want more ART?
Check out http://www.drawspace.com/lessons/
FREE downloads & More!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

FRIDAY, Sept. 21 Abs. Make-Up Work

1. Print off the below Art 21 handout on the episode CHANGE.
2. Answer "before viewing" questions.
3. Watch the Art 21 CHANGE episode found below. You may also view this episode within the pbs Art 21 website. Search for "Art 21 CHANGE." Complete the remainder of the handout by THURSDAY, Sept. 27. Worth 30 points. 5 points deducted for each week late.

Art History FRIDAY September 21

Watch Change on PBS. See more from ART:21.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

6 Color Wheel Mixing System

How to draw a Pumpkin for Thanksgiving

AMAZING WATER/GLASS drawing - look for beauty in the mundane

This week in art... 3D drawing, Value, & color mixing

DUE: Friday, September 14
Art 1 & Advanced Art: Turn in your water glass & your pumpkin drawing showing VALUE by this Friday. Please see Edline for your grading information on each assignment.

Absent Students:
1. Mon- Wed.: Watch youtube video on water glass drawing. Draw the image in pencil using a reference picture. See Ms. Moore BEFORE shading- use the subtractive method. Show reflections of glass by ERASING highlights.

2. Wed./ Thurs.: Draw a pumpkin in 3D. Use chalk pastels to complete 3D SHADING (going from dark to light, using a variety of orange shades, etc.). Use reference picture or real pumpkin.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Welcome Back Pinconning Area Schools ARTISTS!

I am looking forward to a creative, expressive and innovative year in the art room. Below is the agenda for the first GREAT week back:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012:
1. Syllabus Review and discussion.
2. Why ART MATTERS activity.
3. Let's CREATE! first day motivation!

Sept. 5-6:
STUDIO ART: Garden Mosaic Stones
ART 1:  3D Drawing in pencil
Advanced Art: Charcoal Drawing/ Animal detail
Middle School: 3D drawing in pencil basics

Focus Art: Lascaux Caves/ prehistoric art
BRING Large grocery PAPER BAG!

Please NOTE: An art fee for ALL STUDENTS is due by October 31, 2012 to the school bookstore of $15.00. This breaks down to less than .95 cents a week for art supplies! This fee will cover the cost of your art supplies for the entire semester. NO additional art supply list is needed, with the exception of bringing TWO sharpened pencils and an eraser to ART CLASS every DAY.

Need to contact Ms. Moore? Email me at mooreb@pasd.org or talk to me before or after school. NEW this year in 2012-13: The ART room will be OPEN after school every DAY for 30 minutes after school. You may use this time to get more individualized art instruction or help or to just chill in the art room creating...well, ART of course:)

"What if there was a World without Art?"

Save the arts.m4v

Art Advocacy

Teaching Philosophy & Art Advocacy

Why art matters!

Why does ART MATTER?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


PHS Visual Arts Exam:

  • Part I:  Color Theory
  • Part II:  Art History
  • Part III:  Principles & Elements of Art
  • Part IV:  Drawing/ Questionnaire
    • Be able to draw basic 3D shapes with proper shading.
    • Be able to draw correct human proportion of a face.
    • Be able to draw a landscape with atmospheric perspective.
Need Help?
  • View the review PowerPoints provided below.
  • Use your flashcards created in class to study.
  • Schedule a study session with friends 
  • See Ms. Moore:)

Art History Exam Review Spring 2012

Color Theory & Principles/Elements of Art Exam Review Spring 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Pop Art Assignment

1. Download an image from your camera or find an everyday object or famous person on google images. Save to your computer.
2. Go to www.fotoflexer.com
3. Upload image.
4. Click on effects tap.
5. On far right, click on "more" and then click on "pop art."
6. Save and then print your image.
7. Turn your pop art image into an acrylic, oil, or watercolor painting using the transfer method.

Who is ANDY WARHOL?...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

PHS art students begin Painting Downtown Bay City Wall Mural....

Studio Art students at Pinconning High School are in the process of painting two wall murals for downtown Bay City, MI. Mural themes will include the Tall Ships/ Appledore as well as the River of Time theme. Keep checking back here for updates! Students pictured are (left to right): Kendra Balhorn, Jenna Mahlon, Pearl Luptowski and Baily Richardson.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday, April 20 Art History Make-Up Work: Georgia O'keeffe

Georgia O'keeffe: Female American Painter
1. Get square watercolor paper about 6X6. See Ms. Moore if you do not have any at home, or you may use posterboard.
2. On one side of square paper, take notes on O'keeffe by visiting the link
http://www.okeeffemuseum.org/biography.html.  Spend some time exploring this site as well...
3. Go to youtube.com and watch the 10 min. segment below:
3. Draw and ENLARGE a flower in the style of O'keeffe on the other side of square paper.
4. Watercolor the flower using wet color on wet color to intensify the hue. Allow your colors to 'melt' together on their own. You will likely need a brief demo on this, so see Ms. Moore before due date for this lesson if necessary. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

FRIDAY, April 12 Art21 Assignment: Make-Up Work

Today, you will be learning about two 21st century artists creating visual art without a canvas and within the realm of their own reality. Questions to answer after or prior to viewing film segments include:
1. What does it mean to be creative? Discuss the concept of originality and its relationship to appropriation, collaboration and influence.
2. Explain what is meant by 'appropriation.' Use a dictionary or online resources.
3. How and why do artists borrow and build on foundations laid by their predecessors?
4. Regarding Pierre Huyghe: Describe the different worlds that Huyghe creates. How does the viewer enter into these worlds and what is the viewer's role upon entry?
5. Regarding Laurie Simmons: Why do you think Simmons makes a distinction between being a photographer and "using 'photography as a tool?"
6. Compare/ contrast Simmons &  Huyghe as 21st century artists: How can ideas determine media choices?

DUE: Tuesday, April 16

http://www.pbs.org/art21/artists/pierre-huyghe View entire segment on artist Pierre Huyghe

http://www.pbs.org/art21/artists/laurie-simmons View entire segment on artist Laurie Simmons.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Studio 23 TeenWorks ArtShow 2012

Pinconning Area High School Students will have their artwork on display at Studio23 in downtown Bay City from April 13- April 28. Opening night for participating artists will be FRIDAY, April 13 from 5- 7:30pm.  This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided. Contact Ms.Moore at mooreb@pasd.org for more information. Hope to see you there!

901 North Water Street
Bay City, Michigan 48708
Mobile Phone Number: (989)894-2323
Website: www.studio23baycity.org
E-mail: director@studio23baycity.org

Friday, March 23, 2012

Grand Rapids Art Museum LEED-Certified Architecture

Art History FRIDAY Make-up work for March 23

Watch the following segments on the 21st century artists below:
http://www.pbs.org/art21/watch-now/segment-mark-dion-in-ecology artist: Mark Dion
http://www.pbs.org/art21/artists/ellen-gallagher  artist: Ellen Gallagher

Complete an art critique on each artist. For full credit, you must describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate each artist or piece of work.
For more help on a proper art critique see the link below:

***DUE next Friday beginning of hour, April 6***

Speed Drawing Cross-Hatch/ Pen and Ink Art (Cherry Piano)

Pen and Ink Drawing Techniques

Spray paint art 2

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Congratulations PHS United Way Student Chapter!

PHS United Way Student chapter did a great job of supporting volunteerism through walking in the Bay City St. Patrick's Day Parade! Great Job Students:) It was a great day.

Check out how PHS United Way made the wnem.com slideshow!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

PHS ART Club Meeting: March 21, 2012 3:05- 4:00pm

It will be an EGGcellent time:) Making Spring Egg Crafts with yummy Spring sugar cookies!! Yum...New members welcome to attend. See Ms. Moore to sign-up or for more information. Thanks!

Art History Friday Make-Up Work for March 1

Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Style of art: Post-Impressionism

The Starry Night, 1889 Location: Museum of Modern Art, New York City

What to do by Tuesday, March 13:
1. Click on or copy and paste the below link to watch BOTH part 1 and part 2 of Vincent van Gogh on 60 minutes.
2. As you watch the film, take thoughtful notes.
3. Using an Internet search engine such as google, find the following information regarding Vincent's famous painting The Starry Night:
  1. When and where was The Starry Night painted?
  2. Why did Vincent paint the night sky as he did?
  3. How did van Gogh use the principle of art, movement, in this piece?
  4. Critique The Starry Night. You must DESCRIBE, ANALYZE, INTERPRET and EVALUTE the piece for full credit. For more help on giving a thoughtful and accurate art critique you can use this link below:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Art History FRIDAY Make-up Work from Feb. 24, 2012

In celebration of Black History Month, we will be learning about two 21st century African-American Artists: Laylah Ali and Mark Bradford.

What you need to do by Thursday, March 1:
1. Copy and past the folllowing links and print off and read the guides to both artists named:

2. Watch the video clips on Ali and Bradford using the following links (take notes as you watch):

3. Choose to complete ONE of the following (your choice):

A. Write a thoughtful response comparing/ contrasting the artists Laylah Ali and Mark Bradford. Use your notes from watching the films and the artist guides to help you:) Write specifically about how the creative process involves experimentation or research in both Ali's and Bradford's work.

Select an everyday object and consider how your perception of it could be altered by color, context, lighting, and framing. Paint or cover the object in a single color and display it in a neutral context. Photograph the object in several different locations, changing lighting, framing, and perspective. Create a book with your images or display them as a series. How does repetition and juxtaposition affect the impact of the individual images?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Missed Art History Friday (Feb. 10, 2012)??? See below.

You will need to watch the film by PBS Art21 on the South African artist William Kentridge. Copy and paste this link to your web address bar: http://www.pbs.org/art21/watch-now/full-program-william-kentridge-anything-is-possible and watch the entire film. You will also need to complete the film discussion questions for full credit by Thursday, Feb. 16. See Ms. Moore for more information. Thank you!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Art Club Meeting: 
Wednesday, Feb. 1
3:05- 4:00pm in Ms. Moore's Art room
Agenda: Heart batik & heart sugar cookies- Fun & Yum!

Freshman Class Officer Meeting:
Wednesday, Feb. 1
7:20am SHARP- 7:45am
Mandatory Meeting

United Way Meeting:
February 29, 2012
Ms. Moore's art room
7:20am SHARP- 7:45am
Agenda: Volunteer Opportunities

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Final EXAM REVIEW PowerPoint 2012

Students: Click on the below link to view the final exam review powerpoint via slideshare.

Study Helper: If you have any questions, Ms. Moore will be available for you to email at mooreb@pasd.org nightly from 7-9pm. I will respond to your email questions by 9pm on each night from January 10- 12.

Final Exam PowerPoint:

Final Exam Review Guide: email me and I will send you a copy attachment via email by 9pm on the night it is requested.

Final Exam January 2012 layout:
Part I: Color Theory
Part II: Art History
Part III: Principles and Elements of art application
Part IV: Drawing