Georgia O'keeffe: Female American Painter
1. Get square watercolor paper about 6X6. See Ms. Moore if you do not have any at home, or you may use posterboard.
2. On one side of square paper, take notes on O'keeffe by visiting the link Spend some time exploring this site as well...
3. Go to and watch the 10 min. segment below: Spend some time exploring this site as well...
3. Go to and watch the 10 min. segment below:
3. Draw and ENLARGE a flower in the style of O'keeffe on the other side of square paper.
4. Watercolor the flower using wet color on wet color to intensify the hue. Allow your colors to 'melt' together on their own. You will likely need a brief demo on this, so see Ms. Moore before due date for this lesson if necessary.