1. What does it mean to be creative? Discuss the concept of originality and its relationship to appropriation, collaboration and influence.
2. Explain what is meant by 'appropriation.' Use a dictionary or online resources.
3. How and why do artists borrow and build on foundations laid by their predecessors?
4. Regarding Pierre Huyghe: Describe the different worlds that Huyghe creates. How does the viewer enter into these worlds and what is the viewer's role upon entry?
5. Regarding Laurie Simmons: Why do you think Simmons makes a distinction between being a photographer and "using 'photography as a tool?"
6. Compare/ contrast Simmons & Huyghe as 21st century artists: How can ideas determine media choices?
DUE: Tuesday, April 16
http://www.pbs.org/art21/artists/pierre-huyghe View entire segment on artist Pierre Huyghe
http://www.pbs.org/art21/artists/laurie-simmons View entire segment on artist Laurie Simmons.