"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

"The Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Congratulations on thinking ahead! Follow these instructions to prepare yourself for your final ART exam during the week of Jan. 6:

1. Scroll down this blog page until you see YOUR study guide (middle school or high school). Print it.
2. Watch the review powerpoints on THIS PAGE. Be sure to watch/ view all of them.
3. Complete your study guide.
4. Study:) You might want to print off a second blank study guide after you've studied the one you filled out; Try to fill it out without looking.

***We will be reviewing when you return to school as well

Friday, December 13, 2013

12/ 13/ 13 Art History Friday Make-Up Work...

1. Read & reflect on newspaper article following this link...http://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/mar/01/artnews.france
Write a reflection with a least 3 sentences on what you thought about while you read the article.

2. Watch the 3 youtube clips below on Cubism & Pablo Picasso. Take notes.
3. Draw a face in the style of cubism using basic shapes. Color using oil pastels, crayons, or markers.
  • Hint: Use basic shapes to draw the features, distort the location of features, and go crazy with your creativity! Draw crazy hair, add details like glasses and jewelry and have FUN!
4. On the back of your drawing, transfer the most important facts and ideas you learned about while watching the videos and reading the articles.

Due: Tuesday, December 17

YouTube The History of Cubism in Less Than 2 Minutes

Tribute to Pablo Picasso

Picasso Tribute Footage

Pablo Picasso Biography: Art History Friday 12/ 13

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Students who were abs. Dec. 6 should complete the following by Tuesday, Dec. 10:

1. Print off Andy Warhol Worksheet here

2. Watch the Pop Art Intro. You Tube Video found below.

3. Watch the film on Andy Warhol Modern Era found below.

4. Complete the Andy Warhol Worksheet AFTER watching the above clip & film.

Introduction to Pop Art

Andy Warhol: A Master of the Modern Era. Documentary for educational pur...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Art Work from Fall 2013 semester sampling....

I am so very proud of the hard working, talented students at PHS this semester in the art room! Looking forward for more painting, drawing, CREATING and EXPRESSING next semester;) Great Job Students!!! -Ms.Moore

Monochromatic Celebrity Art Project DUE Dec. 17


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

PHS November Art Club Meeting!

This month's art club meeting will be a field trip meeting & parent night in Midland at Jefferson Middle School on November 22 from 6:30- 8:30pm. We will be watching artist Tim Drier demonstrate glass blowing techniques. Items will be available to purchase for gifts. See Ms. Moore for a flyer on this event. All PHS students welcome to join art club!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Jacob Lawrence: The Migration Series


Jacob Lawrence


Jacob Lawrence and the Making of the Migration Series


Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Scream from Sebastian Cosor on Vimeo.

The Scream / Short Animation / Edvard Munch


Edvard Munch, The Scream and Oslo - Lonely Planet travel video


A scary funny musical - just for you this Halloween. Happy Halloween.


Pinconning High School Food Drive Commercial 2014- Great job students! You ROCK!


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Art One & Advanced Art: Flipped Instruction

You are required to watch at least one watercolor video each night prior to the next class to enhance your watercolor techniques & skills. During class this week, you will have the opportunity to incorporate these ideas into your watercolor landscape:)

How to Paint a Rose With Watercolors

Terry Harrison explains masking fluid

DVD - Painting Watercolour Landscapes The Easy Way with Terry Harrison

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October ART CLUB Meeting: Wednesday, October 23

Join PHS art club! Simply come to Ms. Moore's art room October 23 at 3: 10pm to join in the arty inspiration of other artists and various after school art projects! BRING A MEDIUM SIZED PUMPKIN to paint. Cost is FREE, so bring your PHS friends:) Donuts, cider, new friends and.... painting pumpkins! What could be more spooktacular???


Meet at Dean Arbor Ford in Pinconning at 3:15pm to paint Halloween scenes on the windows for fun and community service hours! PLUS get a FREE TICKET to the DIA with a minimum of two hours painting. See Ms. Moore for more information. A generous donation will be made to the PHS art department by Dean Arbor Ford, so let's all show our appreciation.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 23- September 27: THIS WEEK IN THE ARTROOM AT PHS

Greetings! We will continue to explore the elements of art, with a focus on TEXTURE. Students will create leaf foil relief's with ink rubbings for real texture, and will paint birch trees to explore implied texture & the importance of NOT FORGETTING texture in art (example: a tree trunk should not be painted solid brown- it will look smooth, but bark is NOT smooth, it's rough...what's an artist to do???? FIND OUT IN THE ARTROOM:)) Independent practice will be an advanced charcoal drawing bringing all the elements together (minus color).

Art History FRIDAY: Impressionism  (review: Prehistoric art- Lascaux Caves, Italian High Renaissance)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Parent Syllabus Confirmation & Survey- Click BELOW LINK;)


WelcomeBack Pinconning Parents and Students!

NEW to the 2013- 14 school year! To improve parent contact and student feedback, I will be using an online student art gallery called ArtSonia. I am very excited about this opportunity to upload your child's artwork and to share what they are creating in the art room no matter where you or their family may live. You will need to provide an email to utilize this program. After your email is returned to me, I will upload it onto the ArtSonia roster under PHS/MS page. You will receive a parent permission contact form, which you will need to submit before your child's work may be published online. Please note that your child's photo and last name will NEVER be used, just their artwork with their first name and a code you will be given. Please take a few minutes to view the short informational video on ArtSonia. Thank you! Email me at mooreb@pasd.org if you have any unanswered questions.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Graffiti Artists uses recycled FOOD to make ART!


Moral of the clip Tropical hungry from Difusor Photos on Vimeo.
: Who says you need to BUY art supplies???

Thursday, May 2, 2013

View Larger Map

Pinconning Art Gallery Walks- May 16 5:30- 7pm

PRINT YOUR MAP HERE. Free admission and light refreshments. More info. at www.pinconningartgallerywalk.blogspot.com

Roll over the directions to customize each step.
Go to Google Maps Home
Directions to Pinconning High School
605 W 5th St, Pinconning, MI 48650
0.8 mi – about 15 mins
GMM Promo Message Here
200 ft
100 m
Pinconning Branch Library
218 S Kaiser St, Pinconning, MI 48650
Total: 0.3 mi – about 5 mins
Third Street Station
305 S Mable St, Pinconning, MI 48650
total 0.0 mi
Total: 0.1 mi – about 2 mins
Purtell's Restaurant
409 S Mable St, Pinconning, MI 48650
total 0.0 mi
Total: 0.2 mi – about 4 mins
Pinny Food Center
229 W 5th St, Pinconning, MI 48650
total 0.0 mi
Total: 0.2 mi – about 4 mins
P J's Pizzeria
510 W 5th St, Pinconning, MI 48650
total 0.0 mi
Total: 62 ft
Pinconning High School
605 W 5th St, Pinconning, MI 48650